We visited Arlington on Saturday, December 29th, to close out 2007. The marker had been placed sometime in August and we had not yet seen it. Time slips by so fast. The engraving was as I had requested... with the addition of Dad's 101st Airborne designation of which he was so proud. Mom is with him and her inscription is on the other side. This is the ultimate in togetherness... forever. Just as they both would have wanted.

The letters "PH & OLC" signifies Dad's Purple Heart and an Oak Leaf Cluster. The Oak Leaf Cluster was awarded as recognition for being wounded a second time in combat. The first time was when he was hit by anti-aircraft flak as he was jumping out of the C-47 on D-Day on June 6th, 1944. The second was for his wounds at the Battle of the Bulge that led to his capture when the 101st Division Field Hospital was overrun on December 19th, 1944.